Hermes was a Greek God closely associated with writing, learning, memory and persuasive speech. We've chosen this as the name of our upcoming enhanced search tool. Hermes will act and behave in a similar fashion to Google, in that within your learning platform you'll be able to search for all types of resources, such as:
Images, videos, text, people, courses/topics and websites. The new search tool will also be able to find content linked to curriculum area's too, and display material based upon licencing types.
Our updated search system will also
automatically tag your work based upon popular keywords and semantic natural language. In short, when you create a new document, upload a PDF or Word document our system will now be able to automatically tag your work with the top 10 most prominent keywords in your document.
The Hermes engine will provide teachers and students with a fantastic way to search for a range of shared content within the school. Most importantly, it will also be able to automate the process of tagging your work on your behalf - something which we all forget to do!
So, watch this space and we'll update the platform in a few weeks with our new search engine!