Monday, 13 January 2014

My Learning @BETT 2014 - Powering Learning

Come and see My Learning at BETT 2014 for a full programme of demonstrations and CPD.

Our amazing existing schools and new customers alike can enjoy lively presentations on a rotating programme that address the very real learning and organizational needs of schools today.

What makes My Learning safe… but not too safe?
Using the power of guided searching and moderated communication to empower students

My Learning – the hub of your computing curriculum?
The computing curriculum is necessarily structured in nature. Use My Learning to assign and submit projects, to introduce challenge for the more able, to support others with explanation and repetition, to access timely tasks and to take the first steps in html authoring for real.

Mobile devices - so much more than expensive cameras
Who needs apps? With the power of My Learning your students can author multimedia pages on their smartphone, capture and share learning as it happens, support peer learning and assessment and access multimedia content.

Taking school home – harness parent power for whole school improvement
This presentation explores all the ways in which your My Learning Website and Learning Platform together represent the many facets of school life, drawing your parents into the world of your school and enlisting their support and engagement in their child’s learning.

Effective digital homework – great ideas to bury the worksheet!
Homework is so much more than completing an exercise on paper. Here are some great ideas to make homework more meaningful, engaging and enjoyable… yes I did say enjoyable!