Tuesday 6 June 2017

Could Free Notifications Be the Way Forward for Parent Communication?

Are you looking to save money on parent communications?

Do you need a safe, reliable communication tool?

Do you need to know how far your communications are reaching?

My Learning’s ‘Fusion’ VLE provides a comprehensive range of communication options with one key benefit… no SMS costs!

Push notifications go directly and immediately to parents via our free parent App.
These multimedia campaigns feed straight to parents’ mobile phones and other devices.
Send out important announcements immediately or set up feeds for parents to control.

All of these benefits are just part of the Fusion Virtual Learning Environment, powered by My Learning. A powerful and functional VLE for your whole school community, giving parents the information they need to support their child – simply the wisest choice.

  • Replace mail, pupil post and SMS communications with FREE instant messaging
  • Gather parental feedback using online surveys
  • Get faster parental permissions (with less chasing)
  • Harness parent support with their child’s learning

Click here to find out more about Fusion Virtual Learning Environment.

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